Your success starts with us


We are Your trusted partner in European staffing solutions, specializing in providing highly skilled welders, fitters, industrial workers, ship building and shiprepair professionals. We deliver exceptional talent tailored to meet the unique demands of Your projects, ensuring efficiency, quality, and reliability.


Lets build Your best team together

Euro team offers skilled, qualified and certified workers for various industries: ship building, shiprepair, industrial building, mining, electric installation and tunel building.

We promise speed – we make sure the work is done quickly, efficiently and reliably.

Popular Job Categories


Our welders perform essential repairs on ship hulls, structural components, and other metal parts. They work with various welding techniques, including MIG, TIG, and Stick welding. We offer professional welding services in shipbuilding, ship repair, pipeline installation, tank construction and more. All our welders are tested and certified in our testing centre to ensure that clients only receive the services of professionals with experience.
Whether it’s metal structures, metal parts, line manufacturing or industrial building construction, Euro team specialists manufacture, assemble, weld and paint all types of structures.


Our metal construction assemblers work professionally on all kinds of metal parts and industrial buildings: fabricating and assembling metal structures, heavy machinery parts, and production of factory lines.


Euro team  provides professional electricians with experience on ships and industrial projects.

Focus on Your Business, We'll Handle the Rest

We take care of travel, accommodation and workwear for our employees, so that when they arrive on site, they only have to worry about the work at hand. All workers are directly employed at UAB Euro team as long-term employees with a Lithuanian contract, so our clients do not have to worry about documentation
or legal issues.
We offer flexible prices based on Your needs.


We have great jobs for great people

Our people are our first priority. We actively maintain high standards of workplace safety, data privacy, and fair pay. We recognize Your value as a worker—and more importantly as a person. We expect our clients to do the same. If you’re looking for a work, we’re looking for you.

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